4 Emerging AI Trends With Significant Implications for Businesses!


As AI continues to evolve, we asked four experts, including a Senior AI Research Scientist and a CTO and Founder, to share their insights on the emerging trends they believe will significantly impact businesses. From avoiding pitfalls with AI Ethics Committees to edge AI being the next frontier, these are the top four trends to watch out for.

AI Ethics Committees: Avoiding Pitfalls
Emotional AI: The HR Revolution
Generative AI: Democratized for Accessibility
Edge AI: The Next Frontier

AI Ethics Committees: Avoiding Pitfalls

One emerging trend in AI that I believe will have significant implications for businesses is the formation of AI ethics committees within organizations.

This is extremely important as AI comes into wider utilization because ethical issues emerge, such as the use of the creative work of others or the potential for models to amplify bias that was found in the material they were trained on.

As businesses draw lessons from the ethical issues they and their competitors encounter, the need for this careful ethical consideration will have significant implications for businesses. Those that do not keep up will encounter significant pitfalls.

Gene Locklear, Senior AI Research Scientist, Sentient Digital, Inc.

Emotional AI: The HR Revolution

One trend in AI that’s caught my attention recently is Emotional AI, especially when applied in HR. Recently, our gaming firm tested an Emotional AI tool for recruitment. It assessed candidates’ emotional responses during virtual interviews.

What fascinated me wasn’t just its accuracy, but the insights it gave. One applicant, for instance, seemed perfectly calm. However, the AI detected subtle hints of enthusiasm when discussing teamwork.
This depth of understanding can redefine how businesses gauge potential, making us look beyond just CVs and rehearsed answers.

Artem Minaev, Co-Founder, PlayToday.co

Generative AI: Democratized for Accessibility

Democratization is significant, and generative AI holds a pivotal role. It’s not just about unraveling complex algorithms; it’s about unwrapping the magic and making it accessible, understandable, and usable for everyone, regardless of their technical background.

This is huge because the worldwide accessibility to last-minute technology can create that collective consciousness we are all seeking.

The democratization of generative AI reshapes the competitive landscape, inviting innovation from unexpected corners. It’s about co-creating an AI-powered world that mirrors our collective tapestry of dreams, aspirations, and cultures.

Generative AI, in its essence, brought that tipping point where innovation is not a privilege but a shared adventure. It’s a future where creatives meet tech, where all minds connect, and where the impossible becomes possible exponentially.

Cristina Imre, Top Voice On LinkedIn, Executive Coach and Business Strategist for Tech Founders, CEOs, and Entrepreneurs, Quantum Wins

Edge AI: The Next Frontier

An emerging trend in AI relates to edge computing. Whereas traditional cloud computing sends data to centralized servers, edge computing processes data around the source for higher processing speeds. Integrating AI with edge computing, or Edge AI, locally applies AI algorithms on device hardware.

But what’s the point? First, it would ensure better data privacy and reduce data transmission risks. It would also help in real-time data analysis, particularly for manufacturing and healthcare industries, where immediate insights help improve decisions and save lives.

Last, Edge AI can reduce operational costs as less data needs to be sent or received, saving on storage and bandwidth costs. Markets are getting more competitive, and with its immediate and reliable processing capabilities, Edge AI can change how businesses operate, making them more efficient and cost-effective.

Dhari Alabdulhadi, CTO and Founder, Ubuy Kuwait

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