6 Sci-Fi Concepts that Could Become Reality With Recent Technological Advancements!


As we delve into the realm of science fiction becoming reality, we’ve gathered insights from six industry leaders, including CEOs and a General Manager, to answer the question: “What is one sci-fi concept that could become a reality due to recent advancements in technology?” From the concept of cultured meat to the intriguing idea of mind-controlled digital avatars, this article presents a fascinating exploration of the future.

Cultured Meat

Recent advancements in biotechnology, cell biology, and materials technology make cultured meat a reality. It seems like a sci-fi concept for many people, but in reality, many chicken filets, seafood, fish, pork, beef, and even many exotic animals have already been created in the laboratory environment. These products have passed tasting tests by Michelin-star chefs, and many companies in this field are now moving on to piloting on an industrial scale. 

One of the reasons why it has become possible to make whole cuts or filets of meat from animal cells in bioreactors is the recent innovation in scaffolding technologies, growth media, and bioreactors. For instance, Gelatex Technologies has patented a novel nanofiber technology called halospinning that brings a 90% cost reduction of nanofibers and higher cell proliferation and differentiation efficiency. This not only reduces the cost of cultured meat but also makes it just like the regular meat we are used to.

Mari-Ann Meigo Fonseca, Co-Founder, COO, Gelatex Technologies

Augmented Reality Contact Lenses

One sci-fi concept that could become a reality due to recent technological advancements is augmented reality (AR) contact lenses. While still in the experimental phase, researchers are making progress in developing contact lenses that can overlay digital information onto the wearer’s field of vision. This technology has the potential to revolutionize how we interact with digital information, providing real-time data and visuals directly to our eyes. 

Imagine having navigation directions, health metrics, or even subtitles for real-life conversations displayed on your contact lenses. While there are technical challenges to overcome, recent innovations suggest that AR contact lenses may become a reality in the not-so-distant future.

Jay Toy, General Manager, 88stacks

Neural Augmentation Through BCIs

One sci-fi concept that’s on the verge of becoming a reality due to recent advancements in technology is neural augmentation. This concept involves enhancing human cognitive abilities by integrating technology with the human brain.

Emerging technologies like Brain-Computer Interfaces (BCIs) are making remarkable progress. BCIs enable direct communication between the brain and external devices, offering potential applications in healthcare, communication, and even entertainment.

In the medical field, BCIs could revolutionize the lives of individuals with paralysis, allowing them to control prosthetic limbs or computers through their thoughts. In communication, BCIs might enable direct brain-to-brain communication, transcending language barriers.

While still in the early stages, the rapid advancements in neural augmentation technologies are bringing us closer to turning this sci-fi vision into a tangible reality, unlocking new horizons of human potential and interaction.

Viraj Lele, Industrial Engineer, DHL Supply Chain

Autonomous Vehicles

One sci-fi concept that could soon become a reality due to recent technological advancements is the concept of autonomous vehicles, including self-driving cars. With significant progress in artificial intelligence, machine learning, and sensor technologies, companies like Tesla, Waymo, and others are making substantial strides in developing and testing autonomous vehicles.

These technologies have the potential to revolutionize transportation by reducing accidents, congestion, and emissions while providing greater mobility and accessibility. As these advancements continue, we may soon see a future where self-driving cars become a common mode of transportation, transforming the way we commute and interact with our vehicles.

Lee Odierno, Personal Injury Lawyer, The Odierno Law Firm, P.C.


Teleportation, once a fantastical concept, is gradually becoming conceivable due to advancements in quantum physics and technology. Quantum teleportation involves transmitting quantum information over distances instantaneously. 

While currently limited to particles, ongoing research and experimentation in this field hold the promise of larger-scale teleportation in the future. This breakthrough could revolutionize transportation, communication, and various other aspects of technology and daily life.

Einav Biri, CEO, FARUZO

Mind-Controlled Digital Avatars

The idea of a digital avatar that can be controlled by the mind is a concept that could become a reality due to recent advancements in technology. 

With the rise of virtual reality and augmented reality, it is now possible to create a digital avatar that can be controlled by the mind. This avatar could be used in a variety of ways, such as for entertainment purposes or as a way to interact with others in a virtual world.

Matthew Ramirez, CEO, Paraphrasing Tool

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