7 Emerging Technologies Integrated into Business Operations for Enhanced Efficiency!

To gain insights into integrating emerging technologies into business operations, we asked seven professionals, including CTOs and CEOs, to share their experiences. From boosting efficiency with an internal developer platform to optimizing customer service with AI chatbots, these leaders provide a comprehensive view of how technology is reshaping efficiency in the business world.

Boosting Efficiency with Internal Developer Platform

We recently integrated an Internal Developer Platform (IDP) into our business operations, and the results have been nothing short of impressive. Introducing the IDP has led to a fourfold increase in our delivery speed, allowing us to bring new features and products to market at an unprecedented pace. Moreover, we’ve achieved significant cost savings, with a 50% reduction in development and maintenance expenses.

The self-service capabilities of IDP have empowered our development teams, enabling them to provision resources, manage deployments, and troubleshoot issues independently. This newfound agility has translated into a more responsive and dynamic development process.

Furthermore, IDP has facilitated the adoption of modern architecture and technologies, positioning our organization at the forefront of innovation. We’ve embraced cloud-native principles, microservices, and containerization, which have not only improved our operational efficiency but also enhanced resilience.

Asanka Abeysinghe, CTO, WSO2, LLC

Leveraging RPA for Increased Productivity

In the past few years, we’ve embraced the power of RPA to improve our business processes. Integrating RPA has revolutionized how we do repetitive tasks and reduced the time it takes for things to get done. Whether it’s inventory management, order processing, or anything else, RPA is here to save the day.

Our productivity has gone through the roof! We’ve saved so much time that would have otherwise been wasted on mundane tasks. We can now focus on what matters—providing our customers with the best products possible. Would I do it again? Absolutely! Robotic Process Automation (RPA) is more than just a buzzword; it’s a game-changer for businesses that want to increase their productivity.

Matt Little, Owner, Festoon House

Gaining Efficiency through AI Transcription Analysis

I think the obvious answer is Gen AI. However, what isn’t so obvious is how you can actually use it within your business to make a real impact. 

For us, it was using a combination of Meeting-Recording AIs that would record a meeting and transcribe everything for you. Then, we uploaded those transcriptions into Echobase AI to allow our team to collaboratively analyze those transcriptions with the help of Gen AI. 

This technique helped us to reduce the time our team spent on its consulting process by 60%, and we recommend it to most of the clients we work with.

Andrew Adams, Founder, Echobase AI

Improving Recruitment with Virtual Reality

As a recruiter, my reputation depends on the candidates I send out. Before building a short list of potential hires, I spend hours perfecting their strengths and reducing any weaknesses in order to present the best possible workers for the role.

Recently, virtual reality programs have helped me do this more comprehensively.

Testing with company-specific software used to only occur during the final round of interviews, and sometimes not even until the candidate landed the role. This meant that problems might emerge late in the process—and it was hard to predict which workers would struggle and where.

Virtual reality allows me to build simulated settings that mimic the company I’m sending an applicant to, right down to proprietary programs and software. Even things like company structure and office hierarchy can be experienced with the candidate in their (hopefully) future role.

Rob Reeves, CEO and President, Redfish Technology

Streamlining Operations with Project Management SaaS

Being a restaurant SaaS, it’s crucial for us to manage day-to-day operations smoothly. From marketing to development, every project needs special attention, and we need to make sure nothing on our calendar is missed. 

To overcome this, we use a Project Management SaaS, and it works like a charm. Not to mention, it has made our workflow more efficient, and the reports are managed without them being a chore.

Manav Mathur, Editor, Favouritetable

Enhancing Supply Chain with Blockchain

Recently, we integrated the power of blockchain into our supply chain management. This decentralized ledger system offers real-time, tamper-proof records, enhancing transparency and trust. Since its integration, discrepancies in our supply transactions have significantly reduced, and stakeholders now enjoy quicker, more transparent processes. 

The results? A more streamlined, accountable, and efficient operation, with costs saved on dispute resolutions. Absolutely, I’d recommend exploring blockchain for businesses looking to bolster their supply chain integrity and efficiency. It’s a game-changer.

Matthew Sims, Personal Injury Lawyer, Rapoport Weisberg & Sims, P.C.

Optimizing Customer Service with AI Chatbots

We recently integrated AI-driven chatbots into our customer service operations. This technology has been transformative. It allows us to provide instant responses to frequently asked questions, reducing wait times and freeing up our human agents to handle more complex queries. 

The result has been a notable increase in customer satisfaction scores and a more efficient customer service department. I would highly recommend this integration to businesses looking to enhance their customer experience while optimizing operational efficiency.

Einav Biri, CEO, FARUZO

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