How Do you Know if you’re in Technical Debt? (and how to get out of it)


Technical debt is common. In fact, the average organisation spends 23%-42% of its development time on clearing technical debt, which is effectively the re-working of solutions when quick fixes have failed. 

In the know 

Debt is usually accumulated over time. For many companies, the first hint of a deficit emerges when the system breaks, which will always put a business on the back foot – wasting time, money, and opportunities to innovate.

On the flip side some start-up companies are aware of and are comfortable with their technical debt, and expect to build this up in the early days, with a view to ‘paying it off’ later, as they prioritise getting their product to market. What is critical in this scenario is that they are in control of their debt – not the other way around. 

Practical advice on avoiding debt 

Change is the only constant 

Standing still not only creates technical debt but also prevents businesses from evolving and growing. The key to moving forward is understanding and acting on a business’s key tech challenges, the most common being:

Propel Tech works closely with clients across many sectors, from manufacturing and automotive to real estate and retail, to mitigate risk, such as technical debt, and maximise technology’s role in creating value. Discover where your business sits on the ‘technical spectrum’ with Propel Tech’s free online assessment. Are you a ‘technology now’, ‘technology forward’, or a ‘technology future’ company? 

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